观沧海译文( 曹操《观沧海》| 译典 )

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2021.1.19 第335期

观沧海 中文.mp3 来自中国诗歌网 00:00 00:38




(选自教育部组织编写,温儒敏总主编《义务教育教科书 语文 七年级(上)》第一单元。北京:人民教育出版社,2017年)


CAO Cao (155-220), styled Virtue, a native of Qiaoxian County, Pei State (present-day Bozhou, Anhui Province). He was an outstanding statesman, strategist, litterateur, calligrapher and poet in ancient China. Cao was Prime Minister in the late Eastern Han dynasty, and the founder of Wei State during the Three Kingdoms period.(陈蕾译)

观沧海 英文.mp3 来自中国诗歌网 00:00 00:56
The Blue Sea

By CAO Cao
Tr. ZHAO Yanchun
On the East Hill I stand,O’erlooking the blue sea.The waters far expand;The isle juts up like T.The trees grow upon trees;The grass sprawls on so lush.Now soughs an autumn breezeThat spurs the waves to rush.O Sun, o Moon, so light,Have you risen from there?O Milky Way, so bright,Have you taken their glare?How happy, o hurray!I sing, sing up this lay.

译者简介:赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学翻译研究出版主任,国际学术期刊Translating China主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长、中国语言教育研究会副会长。

Biosketch of the Translator:
ZHAO Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association, a proponent of the principle of translating poesie into poesie and classic into classic. 

栏目策划:金石开栏目主编:赵彦春、莫真宝组稿编辑:吕文澎本期作者:曹  操本期译者:赵彦春中英朗诵:朱盛杰英文书法:凌光艺本期排版:曼  曼
《清平乐》Pure Peace Tune
《浔城漫步》Walking in River Town《寄友人》To My Friend《画堂春 · 无题》Untitled—To the Tune of Spring in a Painted Hall《浣溪沙》Yarn Washing《蝶恋花》A Butterfly’s Love for Flowers《临江仙 · 答友人问近况》Answer to a Friend’s Question About My Recent Situation《鹧鸪天》Partridges in the Sky《游园不值》Visiting a Garden, Unreceived《泊船瓜洲》Mooring at Gourd Shoal《苏幕遮 · 冬日》A Winter Day《鹧鸪天》Partridges in the Sky《黎母山》Limu Mountain《早春呈水部张十八员外》 A Drizzle in Early Spring《城头月·旅居三明徐碧村闻列车汽笛,怆然感作》Composed in Sorrow on Hearing a Train Siren When I Lived as a Tourist in Xubi Village in Sanming—To the Tune of the Moon over the Town《蝶恋花》A Butterfly’s Love for Flowers《 鹧鸪天 · 归扬州故居作》Composed When I Return to My Old Home in Yangchow — To the Tune of Partridges in the Sky
《闻官军收河南河北》At the News That Honan and Hopei Are Regained
《春夜喜雨》A Blessing Rain on a Spring Night《鹧鸪天》Partridges in the Sky《定风波·山村列车》A Hill Hamlet Train—To the Tune of Be Still
《采薇》Vetch We Pick(Excerpt)《竹石》Bamboo Rooted in the Rock《临江仙 · 牙痛》Toothache—To the Tune of Riverside Fairy《琵琶仙 · 海上大风雨》Storm over the Sea—To the Tune of A Fairy Pipa Player

一审:姜巫,  二审:曼曼,终审:金石开

译典,意为“翻译经典”,是中国诗歌网与国际期刊Translating China合作开展的诗歌翻译栏目,主要翻译推介我国优秀古诗词、现当代诗词等。双语作品,将在中国诗歌网、翻译先锋号同步推出,并刊发于Translating China。

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