

  • 自从上了高中之后,全世界都很努力,包括平衡班里一些不爱学习的同学也开始努力起来了,很多人购买各种各样的教辅资料。我有点无从适应,我怕我从此落后下来,不知做什么作业好。一般来说我一份模拟试卷都要研究好几天,而且过一段时间又会看一遍。我担心我从此以后会落后。。。。非常jiaolv
  • 1、做好预习:预习可以让你弄清你要重点听讲的知识点,明了课本每一部分的关键知识所在。做到【有目的、有重点、有选择的学习】。2、专注听讲:课堂的听课效果决定了你学习的效率。因为,学校生活的绝大部分时间都属于课堂。如果这些时段浪费了,学习自然不会很好。因此,专心致志、聚精会神的专注、投入到听讲中是学习的最重要法宝。很多知识在课堂上很容易哦就记住或掌握了。3、及时复习和练习巩固:练习巩固很必要,但更需要及时。这有助于将所学知识及时的巩固下来。4、不耻下问:古语云,“学贵质疑,小疑则小进,大疑则大进”。5、反思总结:反思已经学过的知识和做过的练习,从中总结出应该掌握的知识和规律以及学习、解题的技巧等,远胜过只多做题而不加思考。正如古语所云,“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”。6、循序渐进,坚持不懈。 高中英语学习方法: 1、树立自信,保持兴趣。信心是任何事成功的保证。“兴趣是最好的老师”Interest is the best teacher.有了保证,有了良师,成功更容易。2、培养习惯,讲究策略。良好的英语学习是取得成功的关键——一日三读:早、中、晚,结合【艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线】和【人体生物节律】等科学常识,每次朗读10——15分钟。另外抽时间做阅读,天天如此,坚持不断,必有所获。3、勤学巧练,运用提高。单词要勤记,但最好【词不离句】。也应该了解记单词的效果对比:【记单词不如记短语,记短语不如背句子,背句子不如诵篇章。】针对训练,提高理解程度,掌握基本用法。听说结合,读写跟上,经常运用,习练提高。4、学会自己归纳、整理知识点。很多知识点,课本上、资料上也许有,但是,一是不一定全面;二是,那些知识点始终难于变成自己的。因此,总结整理的过程,其实就是【学习、记忆的过程】,也是培养学习习惯。提高学习效果、激发学习兴趣的一种途径。5、做好全面的准备。精神上,要准备忍受暂时的孤独、寂寞,投入时间和精力来用功学习。物质上,最好购买一本实用的语法书(《李阳高中英语语法》、《星火英语语法》高中版 都不错,我给自己的学生就推荐并使用它们);再买一本英语词典(能上网学习,《有道桌面词典》也可以——只是,其翻译不可靠);还需要购买一本写作资料(《星火英语高考专项突破——书面表达十句作文法》就很有指导性)。这样,任何时候,你都能够有指导、较全面的开展学习了。6、知识点总结方法:分门别类,全面掌握。例如:牛津版高一教材第一模块知识点大致可分为:A、重点词汇:enthusiastic,amazing,information,instruction,method,embarrassed,…,system,disappear,move,cover等一共25个。B、重点短语:be nothing like,by oneself,in a fun way,in other words,look forward to,take part in,at the end of,be divided into,make progress 等。C、重点句型:1、Ms Shens 【method of teaching】【is nothing like】【 that 】of the teachers at my Junior High school.2、There are three times as many girls as boys.【倍数表达法】。(其余省略)D、Everyday English日常用语1、How are you do……余下全文

appeared to be doing是什么意思?什么用法?

  • appeared to be doing是什么意思?什么用法?
  • appeared to be doing似乎正在做Some pocketed immense bonuses when they falsely appeared to be doing well, and then kept much of the loot when their firms collapsed. 他们打造公司经营良好的假象获取巨额红利,等到公害尝愤妒莅德缝泉俯沪司倒闭时保住大半掠夺来的财产。


  • 成语比喻虚无缥缈的事物
  • 海市蜃楼hǎi shì shèn lóu[释义] 蜃:蛤蜊。古代传说蜃能吐气成楼台的形状。实际上是大气由于光线折射把远外的楼台等城市景物显现在空中或地面上。这种幻景多出现在夏天的海边或沙漠地带。现比喻虚无缥缈实际上不存在的事物。[语出] 《史记·天官书》:“海旁蜃气像楼台;广野气成宫阙然。”[正音] 蜃;不能读作“chén”;也不能读作“chún”。[辨形] 蜃;不能写作“神”;也不能写作“唇”。[近义] 空中楼阁 子虚乌有 虚无缥缈[用法] 原比喻人世繁华的虚幻。现比喻虚无缥缈实际上不存在的事物。也用本义。多含贬义。一般作主语、宾语、定语。[结构] 联合式。[辨析] ~和“空中楼阁”;都可指虚无缥缈、实际不存在的事物。不同在于:①~多比喻容易幻灭的希望;“空中楼阁”常比喻理论、计划不能落空或空想等。②~偏重于远离实际的幻想;语义比“空中楼阁”重;“空中楼阁”偏重于无根据的空想。[例句]     ①他在企业界是一员猛将;他是时时刻刻向前突进的;然而在他面前;不是半浮在空中的荒唐虚无的~么?    ②那仙山岛屿;漂亮极了;原来不是真的;却是~。[英译] strange and unreal appearance


  • 有关形状的成语
  • 奇形怪状qí xíng guài zhuàng[释义] 形容形状稀奇古怪;与众不同。[语出] 唐·房玄龄等《晋书·温峤传》:“至牛渚矶;水深不可测。世云其下多怪物;峤遂燃犀角而照之;须臾见水族覆灭;奇形怪状;或乘马车;著赤衣者。”[正音] 状;不能读作“zuànɡ”。[辨形] 状;不能写作“壮”。 [近义] 怪模怪样 非同寻常 [反义] 司空见惯 [用法] 多用于形容物体的外形。一般作谓语、定语。[结构] 联合式。 [例句]     ①公园里;那~的石山脚下;是一条宛如玉带的涓涓细流。    ②水族馆里的水生动物;~;什么样的都有。 [英译] badly dressed appearance


  • ①The most infuriating conversation is the one where the parent clearly seeks a decisive, career-validating moment of emotional closure. Such individuals believe that securing admission to a top-flight university provides a child with an irrevocable passport to success, guaranteeing a life of uninterrupted economic mirth. Parents such as these upwardly mobile chuckleheads exude an almost Prussian belligerence when announcing their children’s destinations, congratulating themselves on a job well done, while issuing a sotto voce taunt to parents of the less gifted. For them, the hard part of child rearing is now over. Junior went to the right prep, made the right friends, signed up for the right activities, and is now headed for the right school. Now we can get the heck out of here and move to Tuscany.②The more the teaching of formal religion declines, or takes a sociological form, the less God appears to great numbers of people as a God of Love, resuming his older form of a watchful, minatory power, to be placated and cajoled. Superstition makes its appearance, apparently unbidden, very early in life, when children fear that stepping on cracks in the sidewalk will bring ill fortune. It may persist even among the greatly learned and devout, as in the case of Dr. Samuel Johnson, who felt it necessary to touch posts that he passed in the street. The psychoanalysts have their explanation, but calling a superstition a compulsion neurosis does not banish it.③Superstition in general is linked to man’s yearning to know his fate, and to have some hand in deciding it. When my mother was a child, she innocently joined her Roman Catholic friends in killing spiders on July 11, until she learned that this was done to ensure heavy rain the day following, the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, when the Orangemen would hold their parade. I knew an Italian, a good scientist, who watched every morning before leaving his house, so that the first person he met would not be a priest o
  • 1. infuriating 动名词作定语2. guaranteering的用法有问题!3. to touch post 不定式短语作逻辑主语 其他的你可以自己看看,不定式、分词、动名词,就这几种形式。


  • 求英语高手看一看下面neednt情态动词的用法正确吗we needn&#3孩乏粉何莠蛊疯坍弗开9;t to pay attention to our appearance on network communication
  • 你都说是情态动词了,自然后面直接加动词pay,不用to


  • for的音标是什么意思
  • 英 [f(r)] 美 [fr,f]In addition to the uses shown below, for is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information, and in phrasal verbs such as ‘account for’ and ‘make up for’. It is also used with some verbs that have two objects in order to introduce the second object.除下列用法外,for 还可以用在一些动词、名词和形容词后,以引出更多信息,还可以用于 account for,make up for 等短语动词中。for 还可以和一些有双宾语的动词连用,引出第二个宾语。1PREP (表示对象)为了,给,对于 If something is for someone, they are intended to have it or benefit from it.Isnt that enough for you?…那对你来说不够吗?2PREP 受雇于 If you work or do a job for someone, you are employed by them.I knew he worked for a security firm…我知道他在一家保安公司工作。3PREP 代表(群体或组织) If you speak or act for a particular group or organization, you represent them.She appears nightly on the television news, speaking for the State Department.她作为国务院的发言人,每晚都会出现在电视新闻中。4PREP 帮助;为了 If someone does something for you, they do it so that you do not have to do it.If your pharmacy doesnt stock the product you want, have them order it for you…如果药店没有你想要的药品,让他们为你订购。5PREP 替…(感到);为…(感到) If you feel a particular emotion for someone, you feel it on their behalf.This is the best thing youve ever done – I am so happy for you!…这是你做得最棒的一件事——我为你感到高兴!6PREP (表示情感的对象)对 If you feel a particular emotion for someone or something, they are the object of that emotion, and you feel it when you think about them.John, Im sorry for Steve, but I think yo……余下全文


  • 有一句话,我知道最好的说法是:it was not until the mid 17th century that the concept of “afternoon tea” first appeared in the UK.但现在我把句子换个顺序,请大家帮忙看看如果改成“But “afternoon tea” had not appear in the UK until the middle of 17th century.”这么说有什么问题吗?
  • 把时态改为一般过去就对。The concept of " afternoon tea" did not appear…..原句是强调句。

With so many people ______ at his mistake, there appeared an ______ smile on his face.

  • A. laughing; embarrassing B. laughed; embarrassed C. laughed; embarrassing D. laughing; embarrassed为什么要选laughing 不选 laughed 不是with+宾语+宾补 宾补可以用ed形式吗
  • 关于宾语补足语用的分词应该是用过去分词还是现在分词,主要看宾补和宾语的主被动关系,此处with宾语people是laugh动作的发出者,故people与laugh为主动关系,此处即用ing现在分词。关于过去分词被动关系的用法,请参考:With its head chopped off, the zombie can no longer move.丧尸头被砍了就没法再动了,这里丧尸的头和砍的关系是被动,因此用的是动词过去分词chopped。这样说能理解了么?抱歉例子举的比较奇怪…正在看walking dead…


  • 写作文的时候, the appearance of zoos considerably change the way they live. 这里的change是要加s吗? ……a tool from which individual can profit …. 这句话是我自己写的,这个用法我也不是很懂有时候就是写不出来,要点在哪请高手点拨 我知道是profit form, 还有哪些这种用法现在写雅思作文我觉得我的句式不够丰富,请高手指教!!
  • 你好要加s因为主语是the appearance of zoos,是单数profit from是对的,也可以用benefit from, take advantage of主要是单词量要够,其次把这些单词的用法背下来,这样就不会出现一个词组在一篇文章中反复出现的情况了望采纳~

