

  • 有个英语文件的word版本,现在要找出其中所有的初中单词给学生学习,有什么省时间的办法吗?而不是一个个的去对比查找。我有个初中英语单词的文件
  • Word中有个查找的功能啊。不知道能不能帮到你。


  • 初中英语阅读读不懂文章,怎么办
  • 看不懂文章,生词很多,说明你单词没有过关。应该强攻考纲单词,争取在一两周内搞定,然后再每天复习不要忘记。阅读有阅读技巧,即使文章看不懂也可以做对题目。完形填空是个综合性的题目,既考阅读也考语法和语言点。你可以把完形拆开来看成一道一道的单选题。单选会做完形也会做。至于完形里面的阅读部分,等你阅读提高了,完形也不难了。各地中考英语考纲单词稍微有点不一样。但大致是相同的。有的还细分氦盯份故莓嘎逢霜抚睛为表一和表二:表一是必考的,表二是阅读里面才出现的。抓紧时间,祝你考试顺利!

初中英语口语考试 读文章

  • 就是,我有个问题一直不明白,我现在是个初中生,在英语口语考试中都会有一大篇文章要我们读,但是,每次我读到2、3行的时候,老师就跟我说不用读了。是不是我读得不好呢。每次我读几句就叫我停了,好担心。然後就给我分了。这次口语考试我满分。。。。肿麼回事啊TAT问题补充: 在我读的时候,老师挺认真听的。。
  • 没事啊,我现在大二了,当初我口语也是这样,只要你读几句,老师就知道你的水平了。不用担心,口语考试就是这样。


  • An English friend of your has passed an important exam and has invited you to a party but cant go.Write a note to your friend. In your note, you should..congratulate him or her..thank him or her.apologise.谢谢!
  • Dear XXX (the name of the friend), Congratulations for your fabulous performance on your exam! Thank for inviting me to your party but unfortunately I would not be able to attend, but I can order some materials that you may need for this party if you want! I deeply apologize for my absence; lets make this up in near future! Enjoy yourself!Best regards,(Your name)


  • Young people often make their parents angry by the 8. c_______ they wear, the music they enjoy and something else. But they dont mean to cause any trouble. They just want to be cut off (摆脱) from the old peoples world and they are 9. t_______ to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents dont like their music or clothes or their ways of speech, the young people feel very sad. Sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at home 10. a_______ and do what they like. If you plan to do something, youd 11. b_______ win your parents over and get them to understand you, if so, your parents will certainly let you do 12. w_______ you want to do. 这一道是阅读题,因为限制我只发了相关的半段上来,里面挖的空大家不要管它,我不要那些空的答案。文章后面判断:为什么“Young people like to be cut off from the old peoples world"是错的?
  • so后面加形容词,such后面加名词,such一般结构为such a+n.


  • 这个版本(不是这一本啊,是六本的)初中英语单词一共有都多少个,别骗我啊,事很重要的
  • 这个不一定,每个人初中的词汇量都不一样。 级别3:初中毕业生应当掌握的1677个基础词汇(GSL、Oxford3000、Longman2000的交集)(还适合于以英语为母语的幼儿3-5岁缉虎光臼叱铰癸歇含忙;掌握本类所有词汇,对于一般英语书报上的文章,已大致可以理解,已可查阅英语学习类词典)


  • 初中英语时态
  • 时态是在英语学习中至关重要的一个内容,很多学生在实际应用的过程中总是会产生各种各样的问题。为了方便学生们学习,小编特为大家总结一下初中阶段学习的八大时态。希望此文章能对学生们时态的学习及复习起到帮助作用!  一、一般现在时:  基本结构:①动词原形 ②主语三单:动词原形+ses  三种常考基本用法:1、经常性和习惯性动作  Eg. I always get up early.  2、客观事实和普遍真理  Eg. The earth goes around the sun.  3、在时间状语从句及条件状语从句中,一般现在表将来  If it doesnt rain, we will have a picnic.  其中,第三种用法就是学生们熟知的"主将从现"的原则,这一点大家务必掌握,此知识点会在初二学习,同时也是中考重要考点。  常见时间状语:  always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, on Sundays, at weekends, once a week, twice a month, etc.  二、一般过去时:  基本结构:动词的过去式  基本用法:  1、过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态  Eg. I got up late yesterday.  2、过去习惯性、经常性的动作  Eg. When I was in the countryside, I often swam in the river.  常见时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week (year, night, month…), in 1986, just now, at the age of 10, at that time, once upon a time, etc.  三、一般将来时:  基本结构:①amisaregoing to + do;②willshall + do.  基本用法:  amisaregoing to + do  1、(人)计划打算做某事  Eg. Im going to go shopping with my mom tomorrow.  2、(事)即将发生  Eg. Look at the clouds, its going to rain.  willshall do  1、将来的动作和状态(相对较长远)  Eg. Youll have your own house in the future.  2、礼貌询问、客气邀请  Eg. Will you go with me?  3、意愿  Eg. I will do it for you.  常见时间状语:tomorrow, next day (week, month, year…), soon, the day after tomorrow, in+时间段(格外注意),etc.  四、现在进行时:  基本结构:amisare+现在分词  基本用法:1、此时此刻正在进行的动作  Eg. I am writing a letter now.  2、现阶段正在进行的动作  Eg. I am reading a book these……余下全文


  • 最好有中文翻译
  • 各位敬爱老师,同学们:  大家好!今天,我站在这里,代表全体初三毕业生向我们的母校道别,向×三中的老师们道别,向朝夕相处的同窗们道别,也向这段不能忘怀的岁月道别!让我们真诚的向老师们说一声:谢谢 my dear teachers and classmates ,good evening !today i stand here to stand for all our graduates to say good bye to our beloved school ,to this unforgettable memory and to our dear teachers and classmates .and this is the time to say thank you to all my teachers . 三年的学习时光,弹指一挥间,但很多事情值得我们珍惜,明亮的教室,高大的树木和美丽的鲜花。how time flies ,it has been 3 years since we entered the school .but there are so many things is worth to cherishing ,such as the bright classroom ,tall trees and beautiful flowers .这三年的路,我们走的辛苦而快乐,三年的生活,我们过的充实而美丽,我们流过眼泪,却伴着欢笑,我们踏着荆棘,却嗅得万里花香。we spent these 3 years with hardship and happiness ,fully and meaningful ,sorrow and happy and during this time we learned a lot . 现在,我们不仅学会了语文、数学,而且学会了物理和化学,不仅提笔能写文章,最重要的一点在于,使我更清楚地知道爱的含义,这是老师们心血的结晶。 up to now ,we not only learned Chinese , maths,physics ,chemistry, but also learned how to write articles etc .above all ,it makes me know what is love.it is the result of our teachers hardworking .虽然我们离开了母校,但学习的脚步不会停下,我们还会接受更好的教育。even though we will left our mother school ,we will never give up receiving advanced education .take it easy ,my dear teachers !i wont let you in the future .


  • 初中英语磁带每节第一个词读的什么?读音是:阿克提不利
  • 我是英语专业的,所以在提高英语成绩方面我很有经验,本人就是通过以下方法提高英语成绩,取得了很好的效果:1.每天早晨抽时间背文章,背文章要有选择性的,要感觉有点难度的但不能太难,比如你每天背一篇完形填空或阅读理解,坚持一年半载高考考130分没问题。2.做完阅读理解之后要把一些生词和短语记录下来,在晚上睡觉前复习一下,要记下来,以防以后再出现。3.要准备一本记录自己做错题目的本子,把做错的记下来,有空就拿出来看一下。避免以后出现类似错误。4.要多了解欧美国家的相关状况,这样如有涉及到文学或风土人情之类的文章就好做多了!5.要多做练习来总结解题技巧。6肠筏斑禾职鼓办态暴卡.词汇量一定要够,这样可以减轻阅读时单词的困扰,进而提高阅读速度!我想以上六点如果你全做到了,以后不管是高考或者是考研等等,你都会感觉无忧、受益!你一定行的!祝你成功!!!


  • 课外学习初中英语应该看什么?注:我的英语零基础
  • 背单词看短语多读文章

